Why Females Should do Calisthenics


Why Females Should do Calisthenics

If you're having trouble getting toned, Calisthenics may be for you! Calisthenics is another way of saying 'bodyweight exercises' These exercises build lean quality muscle, develops a strong core, helps prevent weight gain, and can improve mobility and flexibility.

As you may already know that Calisthenics is a type of exercise which is done without the use of any equipment. The benefits of are numerous, as mentioned already it will improve your strength, agility, and balance significantly which can be beneficial in many ways especially for those that want to get into great shape.

3 Powerful Reasons Why Females Should Perform Calisthenics Regularly

1. To build and maintain lean muscle: Calisthenics can help women boost their metabolism, which in turn helps them to maintain their ultimate body weight and shape. The added muscle mass also helps burn more calories at rest, even when you're not exercising.

2. To increase bone density: Joints and bones tend to get weaker as we age, but calisthenics can help offset this by building your muscles and strengthening your bones overtime.

3. To build strength: With all the sitting we do in our day-to-day lives, it's no surprise that many women suffer from lower back pain or deterioration of the spine overtime. Calisthenics is a great way to combat this because they strengthen our deeper core muscles that are essential for supporting our spine.


The Advantages of Doing Calisthenics on a Regular Basis

  • Compared to men, women can handle more training volume.
  • Women can recover faster from their workouts.
  • Naturally have strong lower bodies in comparison to their upper body.


Calisthenics Won’t Make You Bulky

Getting bulky is a common fear that females usually have regarding training. The good news is you won’t get bulky from calisthenics. This is especially true since you are only handling your own body weight.


With that said, women have lower testosterone levels than men and have lower baseline muscle mass. As a result, in most cases they will not progress as quickly as a man in certain movements.


However, you can still achieve amazing results if you follow a proper training program. Other benefits that female physiques provide them with an advantage when training for calisthenics. Females tend to have more muscle density in their legs and core. When exercising, they don't put as much strain on the joints and bones as men do.


This gives them a higher tolerance for pain and a greater ability to continue working out when they're in pain. Also, female’s joints are usually smaller than men's, which means that it is easier for them to maintain body positions like handstands or other tough movements.

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