TWIST University Online/Live Certifications

Why take TWIST University Online/Live Certifications?

TWIST University Online/Live Certifications courses are designed to help you succeed, be happy, and grow. TWIST courses are diverse and cover everything from overcoming obstacles to maximizing potential. Success requires grace, creativity, resilience, adaptability, and respect for others.

TWIST University signature Programs sit under the following headings:

  • Functional Training
  • Sport Performance
  • TWIST Mindset + Holistic Health Series
  • Youth Health + Happiness
  • TWIST Mini Courses

TWIST University knows mainstream methods often fail. Our courses are meant to inspire and empower you to improve your physical and mental health. TWIST science-based training system includes implementation, coaching, and fitness.

Functional body training optimizes aesthetics and human vehicle. Our programs maximize metabolism, muscle tissue, and mobility for sports enthusiasts, outdoor adventurers, and families aged 25–65. 3D movement patterns and safe, low-impact, high-metabolic exercises help you build strength, hypertrophy, and pain-free mobility.

TWIST focus goes beyond the physical, and value holistic health, including brain health. TWIST brain-training programs stimulate complex computations and mental challenges.

TWIST University Online/Live Certifications unlocks your potential. You'll transform into success, vitality, and fulfilment with TWIST expert guidance and cutting-edge techniques. Prepare to improve your fitness, mind-body connection, and holistic approach to living your best life.