How can the IFA Personal Trainer Diploma help you?

Imagine how good it would feel to have total confidence in how to screen, assess, program and is deliver incredible results for your clients. to finally feel qualified to give correct fitness advice and to feel empowered to coach anyone to better health and fitness.

That’s what the IFA Personal Trainer Diploma will do for you and fitness professionals alike. Our program is rooted in the latest science and behaviour-change psychology, it’s a proven and practical coaching system that shows you exactly what to do at every stage of your clients training process. From the very first time you meet with a client, until they reach all their goals.

The best part? You’ll never feel confused about what to do with your clients ever again. With our help, you’ll learn how fitness can help everyone  and discover how to coach people through powerful transformations.


With the IFA Personal Trainer Diploma, you’ll learn:
  • How to get clients
  • Take care of your clients
  • Give the right advice at the right time
  • Get better results, with less effort
  • Boost your credibility and establish your reputation
  • Build the kind of business (and lifestyle) you’ve always wanted

No matter where you’re at in your career, you can earn IFA Personal Trainer Diploma … and learn how to coach health & fitness in the most effective way possible.


Train Real Clients, Graduate with Confidence

Only IFA provides this unique opportunity to train real people (rather than just role-play with classmates) in the unique IFA PT Clinic. You will graduate with real experience of training members of the public, along with all the tools and confidence ready to take on clients immediately... and produce powerful results for them.