Lebert EQualizer PT Certification

Become a Certified Lebert EQualizer Coach and experience the rewards that your clients will love.

  • Incorporate functional training into your clients routine to achieve their body goals.
  • Expand your fitness knowledge.
  • Join the presale list to save up to 20%.

Lebert EQualizer PT Certification provides fitness professionals with the science behind functional training and a breakdown of all the movements with simple and effective progressions and regressions to easily enhance all exercises to fit your clients' personal needs.


We also provide training programs and how to coach and conduct successful personal training, small group training. Our highly skilled Trainers will lead you through a one-day course that are approved by ACE, AFAA, and canfitpro.


Multiple Program Uses

The simplicity and versatility of the Lebert EQualizer design makes them useable by every person at any fitness level in a fun and engaging way.

  • Bootcamps
  • Small Group Training
  • Older Adult Programs
  • Youth Conditioning
  • Yoga
  • HIIT Programs

We recommend that you quickly secure your spot by joining our presale list and embark on a journey towards becoming certified. Your clients deserve the best, and Lebert EQualizer PT Certification will deliver nothing less.