IFA – Certified Movement Prehab/Rehab Coach

Become an IFA – Certified Movement Prehab/Rehab Coach to improve your clients' health.

  • Give your clients a new approach to preventing injuries and/or help recover after an injury happens.
  • Pinpoint stubborn and bothersome musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Join our presale list today to save 20%.

Why Become an IFA – Certified Movement Prehab/Rehab Coach?

IFA understands the necessity of keeping current with fitness research and human body fascia architecture. The Certified Movement Prehab/Rehab Coach course helps fitness professionals to create tailored programs for low-risk aches and pains, imbalances, and myofascial disorders.

The Certified Movement Prehab/Rehab Coach course is an enlightening two-day program that teaches you how to successfully treat your customers' aches and pains. You'll be delighted at how your clients will passionately express their gratitude how you’ll improve their well-being.

Our screening procedure helps you quickly detect concerns and helps you decide if you need to recommend a physiotherapist. You'll also learn the primary muscle imbalances that cause neck, shoulder, knee, hip, and lower back problems, preventing injuries and chronic disorders.

Our certification emphasizes personalisation over generic approaches. We work on ribcage and thoracic spine movement, scapula-ribcage interaction, and full-body movement. Strength, stability, and inter-muscular synchronization are our goals while maintaining complete range of motion. We provide regressions and progressions suitable for clients at all levels.

Join our presale list today to enhance your coaching portfolio and attract clients seeking new and effective training approaches. Master movement prehab/rehab and thrive professionally.