IKFF – Certified Kettlebell Teacher

Become an IKFF Level 1 Certified Kettlebell Coach with IFA and learn everything you need to become a top level CKT.

  • Master the basics in kettlebell lifting.
  • Feel confident and qualified to coach anyone.
  • Save up to 20% when you join the presale list.

Why Become an IKFF – Certified Kettlebell Teacher?

IKFF sets itself apart from other kettlebell certification programs by taking a holistic approach to fitness and wellbeing for the mind and body. When combined with instruction in breathing, mobility, martial arts, flexibility, and meditation, our controlled-intensity kettlebell curriculum creates a distinctive, all-encompassing approach to kettlebell fitness education.

The IKFF teaching experience is unmatched; it is the first truly global kettlebell certification in more than a decade and has taught thousands of fitness professionals using the kettlebell in more than 60 countries while also positively influencing the education of thousands more people using DVDs and online instructional videos.

Through the mastery of the kettlebell, CKT offers students a principle-based approach to long-lasting fitness. CKT delves extensively into the precise study of kettlebell exercise. Fitness professionals are equipped with the skills necessary to provide the best kettlebell training to the students and clients they serve thanks to the comprehensive CKT education.

IKFF's Standard of Excellence

To become fully certified, you will need to pass the IKFF Fitness Test with technical proficiency. Sign up early so we can send you the IKFF Level 1 Prep for Fitness Test program. Your clients deserve the best, and with IKFF, you will deliver nothing less.