Alexander Method of SMR

Become an Alexander Method of SMR Level 1 & Level 2 Coach and help your clients live in a body that works.

  • Learn the latest methods of self-myofascial release.
  • Feel competent and secure in your ability to coach anyone.
  • Join the presale list to save up to 20%.

Why Become an Alexander Method of SMR Certified Coach?

SMR is crucial for high physical performance. The Alexander Method of SMR provides a complete, effective system. The 23 Fundamental SMR procedures, practiced at least once every two weeks, are the basis of this system. To enhance outcomes, some areas may require more frequent practice. These fundamentals encompass the powerful 3 Primaries and the transformative 20 Secondaries.

Step 1: MOVE

  • Get off your backside and go do stuff!! Assess whether your stability or mobility are adequate for whatever you choose to do.

Step 2: REMOVE

  • Remove any restrictions to proper movement by either increasing your stability strength or increasing your range of motion through better flexibility.


  • Challenge your abilities and reach new heights! Never grow complacent, for when you start “going through the motions” you no longer make progress.

Step 4: REPEAT

  • Repeat the move, remove, improve sequence to continually “sharpen the saw” and make you the BEST YOU can be!

Optimize movement and performance with the Alexander Method of SMR. This strategy unlocks your full potential, whether you're an athlete or a person trying to improve. Start to remove limits, improve persistently, and repeat to become your best self. Prepare to reach new physical heights and achieve your goals!