IFA – Steel Mace Coach Qualification

Become an IFA – Steel Mace Coach Qualification and transform your clients fitness:

  • Elevate their strength, stability, and functional fitness.
  • Deliver powerful and results-driven training programs.
  • Save up to 20% when you join the presale list.

Why Become an IFA – Steel Mace Coach Qualification?

The Steel Mace Coach Qualification from the IFA: How to Get the Most Out of an Old Training Weapon

Use the Steel Mace to improve your strength, stability, and health in general. This training tool has been around for a long time, but it's making a comeback in the fitness world. As a teacher, you can use it to help your clients reach their fitness goals.

As functional training and unique workouts become more common, IFA – Steel Mace Coaches stand out as real fitness experts. This respected certification not only shows that you are an expert in your field, but it also brings you clients who are looking for Steel Mace training. Learn how to do challenging workouts that work your whole body and give you great benefits.

Get into the world of Steel Mace training and you'll find a lot of ways to teach and level up your clients training. Each workout uses a variety of muscles and movement patterns, making it a well-rounded way to get fit. As an IFA – Steel Mace Coach, you'll be able to make routines that are successful and fit the needs and goals of each person. By adding to your skills, you can reach a bigger range of clients and keep them motivated by giving them different ways to learn.

Join our pre-sale list today to start a journey that will help you improve your teaching skills. By using the Steel Mace, you can take advantage of the growing desire for new and effective ways to train. This will make you a respected expert in the field of Steel Mace training. Let the Steel Mace be the tool that changes your life and launches you toward a successful and fulfilling coaching job.